Unknown 9: Awakening Review – An Ambitious Journey Held Back by Rough Edges

Unknown 9: Awakening Review – An Ambitious Journey Held Back by Rough Edges

When I first saw Unknown 9: Awakening at Summer Game Fest, it sparked curiosity with its promising blend of mystical powers, a 1912 setting, and a globetrotting adventure. Developed by Canadian studio Reflector Games, this action-adventure title marks the beginning of a multimedia universe that expands across comics, podcasts, and more. As the debut entry in such an ambitious project, expectations were high. But does Unknown 9: Awakening lives up to the hype, or is it a case of ambition outweighing execution? Let’s dive into the world of Haroona, a young Quaestor who can draw energy from an eldritch dimension called the Fold, and see how this story unfolds.

Story: A Tale of Revenge and Discovery, But Lacking Impact

Set in 1912, Unknown 9: Awakening follows Haroona, voiced by the talented Anya Chalotra (best known as Yennefer in The Witcher), as she embarks on a quest for vengeance. Four years after losing her mentor to the renegade Vincent Lichter, she teams up with the Leap Year Society to stop Vincent's sinister plans. Along the way, they unravel the secrets of the Sahin, a lost civilization, and uncover the mysteries of the Unknown 9.

While the premise sounds compelling, the actual storytelling falls short. The narrative moves steadily but lacks those gripping moments that pull you in and make you truly care about what’s happening. The relationships between characters are the highlight, as their interactions feel genuine, adding some much-needed emotional depth to the game.

Gameplay: Familiar Action, But With Missed Opportunities

The gameplay of Unknown 9: Awakening is reminiscent of the Uncharted series, offering a blend of linear action-adventure mechanics. You’ll encounter combat arenas, platforming sections, and the occasional puzzle as you progress through chapters. There are also collectables scattered throughout the levels, rewarding players who take the time to explore. These often flesh out the world’s lore and offer small boosts to Haroona's health and energy reserves.

Combat is where the game draws mixed feelings. Haroona wields light and heavy melee attacks, as well as ranged abilities using energy (Am) drawn from the Fold. The combat system is functional, but it doesn't evolve much as the game progresses. The Step ability, which allows Haroona to shift into the Fold for brief moments, feels fun but underdeveloped. While it adds a unique element, it quickly becomes repetitive due to limited interaction options. Over time, it feels like you’re doing the same amount of damage, regardless of the upgrades you unlock.

Another issue is the game’s repetitive enemy types. After the first few hours, you've essentially seen everything the game has to offer in terms of combat scenarios. The game tends to rely on throwing waves of enemies at you, which can become exhausting, especially when the variety thins out.

The game is very buggy, there were times I would be fighting a major boss and there was music, during the final boss, their health bar completely disappeared. Even the in-game clock was broken, when I would save the game, the time played would just be random, from either 1 hour even though I've been playing it for 4 hours, to 47 minutes when I save it later.

Graphics and Performance: Beautiful in Concept, Flawed in Execution

Visually, Unknown 9: Awakening has potential, but it’s hampered by technical issues. The game’s character models look outdated and, at times, lifeless—even when running at the highest settings on PC. Despite the game running at 120fps, random stutters and frame drops occur frequently, especially during battles or cutscenes. This can be quite jarring, as it disrupts the immersion and flow of the game. The game could have used more polish, as these performance hiccups detract from the experience, even on high-end systems.

The environments themselves, while well-designed, are overshadowed by these technical issues. Frame drops, lag during transitions, and graphical stuttering were present on both PC and consoles, as reported by various players. These problems aren’t game-breaking, but they are noticeable enough to affect the overall enjoyment.

You can tell a lot of detail went into the game, looking at Haroona's journal you see some great design of the characters, items, locations and lore of the game.

Sound Design and Voice Acting: A High Point Amidst the Flaws

If there’s one area where Unknown 9: Awakening shines, it’s in its voice acting. Anya Chalotra delivers a captivating performance as Haroona, bringing an earnestness and depth to the character that elevates the otherwise lackluster narrative. The supporting cast is equally strong, with each actor delivering their lines with passion and authenticity, adding to the emotional weight of the story.

The sound design overall complements the game well, from the ambient noise of bustling markets to the eerie silence of forgotten ruins. The music does a good job of building tension during combat and quiet moments alike, though it doesn’t stand out as particularly memorable.

Unknown 9: Awakening has all the ingredients to be a fantastic game—an intriguing premise, a talented voice cast, and the foundation of a larger multimedia universe. Unfortunately, its potential is undercut by repetitive gameplay, technical issues, and a lack of narrative depth. At times, it feels like the game bit off more than it could chew, trying to do too much without perfecting the core elements.

However, all is not lost. If Reflector Games addresses the performance problems and refines some of the gameplay mechanics, Unknown 9: Awakening could become a worthy entry in its planned universe. For now, it’s a game best approached with tempered expectations—perhaps worth checking out during a sale or after a few more patches.

Final Score: 6/10

Would you be willing to revisit a game after patches and updates, or do first impressions carry the most weight for you? Let us know in the comments!

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