Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 PC – Patch 3 Now Live!

Patch 3 (Version is now available for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 on PC, bringing important stability improvements, bug fixes, and visual enhancements based on player feedback.
Key Updates:
NVIDIA Streamline SDK updated to 2.7.2 for better performance.
Fixes for ultra-wide monitor cinematics issues.
Visual bug fixes for reflections, ray-traced shadows, and textures.
UI improvements, including suit menu auto-scrolling to the selected suit.
Fixed Quick Time Event (QTE) bug when Jump/Dodge is mapped to Space or Left Mouse Button.
Crash fix for ‘Graffiti in Trouble’ mission (Spanish text setting).
General stability and optimization improvements.

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is Now Steam Deck Verified!
Now you can swing through Marvel’s New York, experience two playable Spider-Men, and battle iconic Super Villains on your Steam Deck with full verification!
More updates are in the works, so keep the feedback coming.